I can hardly believe it is December already! Time goes by incredibly fast when you are an adult, raising three children, running a business, managing a house, caring after animals, etc. etc. etc. I spent my first Monday of the month baking cookies for my neighbors and family, and finishing the final touches on my Christmas decorations.
I have a few sessions still scheduled this month, but I have pulled back quite a bit. I could easily fill my calendar with last minute portrait requests for the holidays, but I really had to stop and think long and hard this year about my priorities. My kids need me! I barely remember our Christmas last year, other than the fact that I was so stressed out, I made myself sick and actually spent Christmas Day by myself in bed while my family made their way over to my in-laws house for our Annual Christmas Dinner without me! That is NOT how I want this year to be remembered again.
I would like to make this year a little more special, by spending TIME with my family baking cookies, singing Christmas carols, watching my favorite holiday movies, drinking hot cocoa by the fire and turning my kids into elves! Happy Holidays!!!
Perfectly said Jamie! Happy Holidays!